My 5 Top Tips for Reducing Anxiety During Pregnancy, Birth and Becoming a Mum.

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Last week I attended the One to One Midwives Community Hub opening event in Wavertree. It was a very special moment for me to see again the incredible women who helped me to deliver my precious son. I remembered being so cherished and held by compassionate and capable professionals on the most amazing day of my life.

Thanks again One to One Midwives!  Respect!

That event got me thinking, how can I help pregnant women and new mums with all the issues they are facing; the anxiety and fear about the birth, all the changes physically, mentally and emotionally that are going on, the worries about the health and wellbeing of your unborn child, the doubts and fears of what it means to be a good mum and how to do that. So I began by putting down a few helpful hints to start with. You can let me know what you think!

1. Relax, relax, relax 

This is a wonderful opportunity to learn the life skill of relaxation if you haven't got round to it already. The best way to make your pregnancy enjoyable, your birth go as smoothly as physically possible and to learn how to be a great mum is to learn how to be happy and relaxed.


Relaxing doesn't mean you have to spend the whole pregnancy lying in a darkened room with a cold flannel on your head! Although that might be appealing!! Of course to be physically relaxed means resting the body when we are tired, so we have to learn to listen in to our body's signals and respond (gentle yoga and particularly yoga nidra can help us to tune in in this way).  When we are at work, running our home, dealing with our family and engaging in all our other commitments we need to learn to do this with a relaxed mind.  You will be amazed how much you can physically, comfortably do when instead of rushing around stressed we are enjoying each task, taking our time with a contented, relaxed mind.

2. Go easy on the research

It's not necessary to read every article, comprehensively research every issue, and be an expert in everything to be a good mum.  There are some very helpful books out there and it may be fun to learn about how your baby is growing in your belly but go easy. We can overload ourselves with information.  There have been mothers for many thousands of years before the internet was invented.  Learn to follow your instincts.  Tune into your intuition.  If you have  good feeling about something do it, if something doesn't feel right, it isn't right for you.

3. Go with the flow

Accept that you have emotions! It's completely normal to experience the full spectrum of human emotions (sometimes all in one day!) when you are pregnant. Don't fight it. Tell yourself it's ok and allow yourself to feel what you feel. You don't need to indulge by holding on or going over the same stuff over and over again but it's very healthy to cry, it's simply a release of energy just like laughing!  So give yourself a break and don't take it all too seriously.

Take long baths, put your feet up, read that book you have been meaning to read, give yourself the space and time to feel what you feel.

4. Roll up for the Magical Mystery Tour!

You have no idea what it is going to be like, and if you think you do, you are probably wrong!  Becoming a mum is a new beginning, kind of inexplicable and everyone's experience is different anyway.  So, understanding that motherhood is magical mystery tour of love and delight and tough times too, let go of your ideals and fixations and remain open to possibilities, allow yourself to enjoy the ride.


5. All you need is Love. 

Your life is about to be filled with a whole lot more love, which can bring so much joy, but why wait?  A mind of love brings with it so many incredible chemical endorphins that help us to be happy and relaxed.  We can deliberately cultivate loving minds as often as possible towards those around us.  When you genuinely wish others well it takes the emphasis off your own issues and naturally brings you a relaxed mind and therefore body.  So we can practice now starting to appreciate those around us more and criticise and judge less and see how much more enjoyable life is!




Find a nurturing, relaxing space in which to prepare yourself for being a mum using a combined approach of hypnotherapy, NLP, EFT and coaching. Fi Gordon Therapy can help you to grow and develop into the happy, relaxed mum you were always meant to be.


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