How did I get here?- Where it all began
I first heard about the combination of Hypnotherapy, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), through a clinic in London when I was suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/M.E. I was searching for a way to recover and and happened upon the Optimum Health Clinic, a specialist clinic for the condition in 2011. They had therapists there who were trained in hypnotherapy, EFT and NLP.
On my appointment confirmation, they were quite clear to say that they weren't classically trained Psychotherapists (although some of their therapists do happen to be as well).
This made me feel quite apprehensive.
Although I wasn't really that clear on what a psychotherapist was, I understood that their qualifications were widely recognised. What they were doing at OHC fell outside of the conventional for me, and I wondered what qualifications they had and how they were regulated.
I kicked up a bit of a fuss about it with someone in charge. I think when you have had a chronic illness for a long period of time and have spent a lot of time, money and energy on the various ways of recovering with limited success, you can have reservations.
How do I know this will work for me? I went to my GP with all the information about this clinic, and I felt he was dismissive and patronising. I went home feeling dejected. I felt like he was saying I was going to waste all my money. I didn't know what to do.
I contacted the clinic demanding explanations and was met by a very relaxed response. My questions were answered calmly. The effortless confidence of the clinic's representative and the absence of any need to persuade me, made an impression.
I decided to give them a try.
They were on my wavelength completely and working with them was so much more than I ever could have hoped for.
Over a period of time I recovered completely from the condition, let go of limiting beliefs and habits and became a much better version of myself.
I think there is a gap between mainstream, traditional psychology and some of the techniques that are actually working for people.
After becoming so inspired by the positive changes that I had experienced myself, I studied with the Optimum Health Clinic on their special training course to become a therapist. They train people in the methods they use because they simply couldn't find enough practitioners in the field that were well-trained enough to carry out their work.
This was a course undertaken over 3 years and including a diploma in hypnotherapy certified by BIH (British Institute of Hypnotherapy and NLP), and Level 1 and 2 training in EFT, certified by AAMET (Association for the advancement of Energy Meridian Techniques) and also elements of NLP and Life Coaching. I have since undertaken the Aamet Level 3 EFT training.
The Optimum Health Clinic was a private clinic in London that is now a registered charity, gifted by the original founder and owner. Every penny they make is spent on clinical research to prove in that their methods are working.
If you want to know more about The Optimum Health Clinic, click here.
Working as a therapist in this way is such a joy to me. I consider it a very precious opportunity to be able to impact directly people’s lives, help them to be happier and improve their health and wellbeing every day.