Change can happen in the workplace
stress and anxiety at work
what you need to know
15.4 million working days were lost in 2016/2017 due to stress. Studies have shown that work-related stress absences can be reduced by about one third.
Work-related stress, depression or anxiety accounts for 44% of work-related ill health and 57% of working days lost, in 2017/18.
The reasons cited as causes of work-related stress involve workload, lack of managerial support and organisational change as the primary causative factors.
In one Government study, the largest cause of stress was caused by feeling isolated because employees felt unable to share worries or concerns.
Here is what we can do
1. Create a culture where it is socially acceptable to talk about mental health.
It’s common for employees to feel it is not ok to say they have a mental health issue for fear of being seen as weak or unable to cope. The first step is to get everyone on board and move into a culture in which it's ok to not be ok. A big part of prevention is allowing people to be heard.
2. Teach the tools to help
We can put together a bespoke designed package to work with groups and individuals empowering them to let go of anxiety and stress in the workplace using various tools including NLP, EFT, and breathing.
what kind of results can be achieved
Studies have shown that effectively raising awareness of work-related stress and encouraging early reporting and therefore timely intervention can reduce sickness absenses in some cases by a third. Cultural changes may include clearer communication between managers and staff, improved communication in general within the organisation, improved empathy and recognition of the need for peer support, and improvements in constructive and positive feedback throughout the organisation.