What People Say
Brook, London, 2022
Fi has been the safest pair of hands & light in the darkest alleyways of my subconscious mind from session 1. Her methods & experience helped me feel the feelings I have been avoiding all my life. She thought me a lot about self compassion and provided tools to put it in practise which empowered me to prioritise my self healing journey and follow my dreams.
Since working with Fi I have:
Had the courage to work on deep emotional wounds & trauma
Gained so much awareness about my choices, repeating patterns and limiting beliefs. This awareness then led me to better choices like quitting the job I have been fantasising about for years
Chosen a new career path that is aligned with my purpose
I still work with Fi. She is brilliant and always helps me re-centre when set backs & fear knock on the door - as part of human experience. If you know you have so much more to offer to yourself and others around you, Fi is the best gold detector you can invest in to find the treasure within you.
Anonymous, Copenhagen, 2022
I contacted Fi because I was feeling deeply stuck. Having done a lot of work with myself over the years and decades through various methods, I felt I’d reached a plateau and couldn’t get any further. I knew life could be enjoyable, should be enjoyable, is meant to be enjoyable - or at least deeply meaningful - but despite knowing all this, and having great conditions and circumstances, real enjoyment wasn’t there. Life seemed theoretically enjoyable but not actually enjoyable!
The sessions with Fi were always meaningful, and I felt heard, understood, occassionally challenged but always encouraged. The last point is important. Deep change is not always comfortable, and I did have periods of deep discomfort, but I also understood that metamorphasis is also probably always a bit discomforting - and needs some courage. Fi was always light, engaged and encouraging which helped me get through the tough period.
Actually Fi’s method and approach are amazingly effective and quick. The reason for this is that we already have the answers within us. Fi’s personality and techniques just help to find them relatively quickly. For me, her approach easily complemented other methods of inner development that I am using, and working together online functioned very well - better than expected in fact.
Now life seems actually enjoyable! The work with Fi led me out of the hole I was in and helped me to reach the next destination on my path. Within myself, I found a new way of being that is far more intuitive and enjoyable than my lifelong unconscious and habitual ways of seeing things. Since everything depends on how we view it, the new view of myself that I developed with Fi was and is, by definition, positively life-changing.
And I feel ownership of this view. Fi didn’t give it to me, but helped me discover it within myself - confirming the intuitions that I already had.
I would definitely recommend working with Fi. She is fun, light, experienced, dedicated and trustworthy, and the time and financial investment in the 12 sessions was well worth it. I will recommend working with Fi to people I know, when I think they are stuck and ready for a deep and liberating transformation.
Alexandria, USA, 2022
What first inspired me to work with Fi was her gentleness. Genuinely I felt cared for and loved from her presence, and the words that she uses are very intentional, from her heart. I can feel that and I knew I needed it so I was like thank you!
Before I started working with Fi I didn’t know what the heck I was making. I just knew that I wanted to help people and make a lot of consistent money helping people, but I was so scattered and confused about what I wanted to help people with and what I was even good at helping people with too.
There were so many powerful shifts I had on the course. I get so much from the posts, the calls and the energy in between, I get so much from all of the program but I think the biggest one was the call I had before I signed my first (high ticket $1.3k) client. I needed it. I didn’t know I needed it, but Fi knew I needed it and so we did it and I thank her so much!
I guess what it gave me and what I most needed was structure. I am such a fly by the seat of my pants kind of person and I want to stay that way in a lot of ways, but I do want to be held by structure, so I do want some guidelines and foundation underneath me so I know the gist of what I am saying and if I want to fly by the seat of my pants within that, I can, but I didn’t have any of that before this program and this has allowed me to sign a client now- the structure has allowed me to relax, to keep it simple.
Fi is like the truthful, loving mother who is telling you “Brush your teeth before they fall out of your head” and you know she loves you, she cares about and she is going to put her foot down and you are going to do this and you just know this is what it's going to be!
Signing my first client, I was vibrating so much afterwards, I couldn’t really sleep last night I was sending out electrical waves of shock. But then the next day I had a headache, so I was like wow I am really entering into this new space energetically and that my body is adjusting to it and I am so excited all the time I am like on the verge of tears all the time. I have felt like that before in my life but it wasn’t from excitement. It was like “I am always on the verge of tears because everything is awful!” but now I am on the verge of tears all the time because everything is awesome!
I would recommend working with Fi beyond a shadow of a doubt! Get your butt in here!
Olivia, Los Angeles, 2022
What I struggled most with before doing therapy with Fi was I had no idea why but I was kind of behind the line of life. Things were going well but I just knew that there was more and I just didn’t know how to get to the next step or cross that line. I didn’t know what was wrong.
The therapy itself was really fun. I loved connecting with Fiona, she kind of took me on a journey every week and I discovered all these things that I did’t really know. I brought something different to the table every week based on what we wanted to work on and I just felt like each session was a complete journey and I came out the other end feeling like “oh what just happended!”. It was quite magical and deep and just so much fun at the same time.
It changed my life and it still is changing my life, it still is integrating. I am feeling myself to be more free, open and things are coming into place. Each day things are showing themselves for me and through all the different sessions coming together its like “Oh my gosh! who was I before and who am I becoming?”. I am achieving clarity around my goals. I am starting to feel like I CAN step over the line I AM stepping over the line. My goals are within reach.
I would say to anyone who was thinking of working with Fi, absolutely do it! Its life changing, a year on the benefits keep coming!
Emily, London, 2022
I was feeling stuck in a period of uncertainty in lots of different areas of my life, and wanting clarity about what the right way forward was. I wanted to improve my relationship with work and to overall build a lifestyle that felt nourishing, deeply enjoyable and sustainable for me.
It took me a while to get comfortable, to trust the methods which were new to me, and to feel I could be open, but after a few sessions I felt I could relax and I really began to enjoy the process- light and very creative, while going deep. It shifted me out of my tendency to want to 'think' my way out of a problem. I also felt you gave me a lot of space to go at my own pace and to work things out myself, which I needed. Overall, I found the process incredibly empowering- you created the conditions for me to have my own insights and grow my own clarity, and that impact feels like it's been made on a deep level. I also really loved the group sessions and the hypnotherapy track.
This process clarified for me how much autonomy I have to make myself feel completely happy and fulfilled. It didn't give me all of the answers about what decisions I should make in my life (as I think I was hoping for at the start!), instead it helped me to get to the point of recognising the responsibility and freedom I have to make myself happy, and to feel ready to step into that. I am very happy with this as the outcome.
Fi is so dedicated, conscientious and heart-felt in her practice. I fully felt that she was on my side, with huge ambition for what I could achieve through this process and beyond. I would fully recommend her to anyone wanting to get over their obstacles and reach their potential.
D.C, Madrid 2022
"When I began working with Fi I was seeking to change things externally in hope something inside of me would shift. I was quite desperate for a change.
I felt lack of connection with people, lack of direction and low confidence as a professional. I was also too demanding with myself, too perfectionist and that didn't help my inner peace as I used to see the negative part of myself before the positive.
The work we did was very transformative. Tapping surprisingly brought many layers of my subconscious to the surface and helped me see that all our issues are connected inside and can be dealt with more easily than expected. I definitely could feel emotions running through and being released (most often in after a good laugh when I realised the limiting belief was completely ridiculous).
I feel totally renewed after this process.
My ability to get back to alignment inside is greatly increased and my "healthy" self love is through the roof, I feel I'm way more kind to myself now and in that way my love for others is also stronger.
I feel more confident of my talents and of my future.
I achieved all the goals I set with Fi! Hell yeah! They were surpassed in every sense, this journey took me further than I even expected.
I recommend working with Fi to anyone that wants to be catapulted to unexpected new heights of wellbeing, success and happiness."
Patricia, Nova Scotia, Canada, Nov ‘21
Hi, my name is Patricia and I want to give a very positive and glowing review of Fi Gordon’s services. I am a small businss owner and I was blocked from a few things that was a result of unconscious programming and some fears that were holding me back. Through work with Fi I was able to release those and move forward with my business in the way that I wanted to, so, I highly recommend Fi Gordon’s services. Take a chance! You might be surprised about what you can learn about your own power.
A.B, UK, May 2021
I was struggling with a deeply engrained pattern that was rooted in childhood. This had plagued my life for 8 years in my intimate relationships and work sometimes too dancing to other peoples tunes and not my own. I managed to understand the pattern and why, to go back to the intense moments and turn the volume down.
This released me from this feeling of being trapped into a cycle where I was taken over.
I came into alignment and was able to let go of this and my self esteem and worth became more balanced.
My behaviour changed and I felt more centred and calm.
The anchoring work helped to reinforce techniques to keep centred at times of distress.
The work Fi provided was transformational and just gets to the root cause and releases you from subconscious suffering which serves no purpose in the present moment.
I would highly recommend this work over and above any therapy.
Mel, UK, April 2021
Before working with Fi, I had been through an amount of self development in the past but could feel there were still some blocks, which were really impacting my business growth and personal life in terms of developing personal relationships. I sometimes felt very self aware and not comfortable and confident enough to just speak up when I had something to say. Choosing to stay 'safe' and hold back. It became clear to me that I would never achieve my full potential in my new path as an entrepreneur, if I continued as I was.
Fi has a manner, a vibration and a way of explaining things that made me feel completely safe right from the start and she totally got me. I was able to share things and explore my younger self and my emotions, in a way I have never shared with anyone. Fi's methods are so gentle and thorough and I felt lighter and more powerful, at the end of every session.
I feel more connected with the earth now and much more accepting of myself. I've already had opportunities to demonstrate my lighter, bolder self, which I've taken easily in my stride and I know there is so much more to come. My whole outlook on life has shifted slightly! This is huge!
It's what I'd hoped for and asked for and Fi delivered. I can't thank you enough Fi.
Andrea, UK, Mar 2021
I recently worked with Fi to sort out my chaos that had tormented me for years.
I was blown away at the results given the fact I’ve tried a multitude of therapies and trained in meditation too so thought I was ok. The fact is I wasn’t, I had much deeper layers to address which were deeply engrained habits that were sabotaging my life. I was outwardly achieving at a high level but holding myself back. Fi therapy style was super effective at reprogramming my thoughts to align with who I am today. The transformation in 8 weeks was phenomenal. I could not believe how much progress was made and on the last session we reflected back on the goals originally set. I achieved above and beyond what I was so desperate to resolve. I cannot recommend Fi enough as her ability to get results and change your life is real. My life is calm and going from strength to Strength and it would not be like this right now had I not worked with Fi. We are embarking on the next part of my journey to truly align to what purpose is about and just after one session the results are once again off the scale. Fi is a talented person who walked this journey herself and what greater person to choose to help change you’re life for the better. Go for it and don’t hold back it’s priceless.
Donna, UK, Jan 2021
Before the therapy with Fi I was crying a lot. Anxiety and panic attacks most days. Stuck in a cycle of getting so worried and stressed about work that I would cry getting the laptop out in the morning. I felt like I couldn’t meet anyone’s expectations especially at work. Expectations would paralyse me and I just felt like I couldn’t achieve anything (even though I have actually achieved lots of great things in my life). I couldn’t give myself credit for anything and putting one foot in front of the other felt impossible some days.
I actually found the therapy really fun, piecing together the clues to get to the bottom of what my stress and anxiety was trying to tell me. It was teary at times too but Fi is such a people person and cares which made me feel safe to dive into painful memories and sit with my feelings with no judgement.
I was so stuck in a pattern of behaviour. I’ve broken free from that now. I feel liberated and able to choose where I focus my energy. I get to choose how I feel now and that is so empowering.
I definitely achieved what I wanted to and I’ve learned so much about myself. I’ll be forever grateful to Fi.
Anonymous, UK, December 2020
“I didn't realise how much I was struggling and how negative my mind had become, I had been having issues for two years with sleeping, due to stress at work, the menopause and my Mum being ill. My Mum died and it exacerbated the issues and brought up a lot of unresolved emotions. On the week that I decided I needed help I saw how low I really was. My mess or struggle I see now was lots of repression of feelings from early trauma, not being able to process my feelings properly and how over the years this has led to my issue with sleeping.
The therapy was very powerful and intense, Fi was very skilled in navigating me to the pressure points and the significant events in order to help me acknowledge the emotions I had around that event, through tapping and NLP and hypnotherapy, she enabled me to experience those feelings and release them in a safe way. I started to feel lighter and very different, I remember saying to Fi that it felt as if my limbs had been on the wrong way all of my life and now they were on properly it made everything so much easier. I also feel like an adult now, I didn't realise that I hadn't felt like one before. I now have the tools to keep getting healthier, my sessions with Fi were so vital in helping me shift stuff that I just wasn't aware of with my conscious mind.
I would say to anyone considering having therapy with Fi not to hesitate to do so, if you are thinking about it then there is a reason for that and Fi is an excellent practitioner so you will be completely safe in her hands.”
Stuart, London UK, December 2020
“Before I began therapy with Fi I was in a rather bad place, no energy, anxiety, low self esteem, not functioning or able to work. Felt completely stuck and had a feeling of having completely lost my purpose. I was completely locked in a rut. I had lost perspective and didn’t know how to get out of it. It was a combination of challenging circumstances, but mostly unresolved issues of the past resurfacing.
My experience of the therapy itself was absolutely remarkable. Very powerful, compassionate and non-judgemental. Fiona made me feel understood, gave me a lot of clarity and hope that we could resolve the issues. I felt completely supported It was amazing, I cant speak highly enough. I feel very grateful.
The therapy was really effective for me. It gave me the confidence to 'see through' the mental disposition I'd found myself in. It helped me to process what I was going through, gave me tools to completely change how I was feeling.
I would highly recommend therapy with Fiona, her methods are very modern, profound and work quickly. If you feel stuck in your life in any way, then I can confidently say that the combination of the various (well qualified) methods Fiona is trained in, coupled with her personal unique approach is very powerful. I've tried a number of therapies over the years and Fiona's methods are, to me, the best by far that I've ever experienced.”
Shirley, Liverpool UK (December 2020)
“The therapy with Fi exceeded my expectations as I unpicked a lot of memories from my childhood- I did not expect this to happen but it was all relevant to the therapy process. Some uncomfortable feelings were revealed yet Fi managed to hold this in a safe and secure environment on Zoom & for me this worked extremely well.
The positive outcomes from the therapy included a useful toolbox of techniques I could take away and use in situations should I ever need them. I used the Tapping in between sessions which helped reinforce the therapy and developed my knowledge and understanding of Tapping. I could often notice a decrease in uncomfortable feelings when I practiced at home. Fi gave me some very useful resources which I can continue to use.
Fi was open and very creative thus encouraging me to explore and be open to creativity consequently, this led to sometimes deep exploratory work but was always practiced in a safe manner. I would absolutely recommend Fi to others. Fi brings a freshness to therapy, her open spirit and enthusiasm of working with a client is respectful and non-judgemental at all times.”
Jennifer, Liverpool UK (November 2020)
“Having therapy with Fi went beyond my expectations. I’d never experienced her level of presence and thoughtfulness before in a therapy setting. Fi was able to hold space for whatever emotions were ready to be felt and also to focus on processing a particular event when it was needed. I felt safe with Fi. I felt listened to by her and understood. With Fi’s incredible therapeutic skills, we achieved the goal we set out to achieve over six weeks. Even over two months later. I'm still benefitting hugely from it all.
Thank you so much, Fi, for all the work you did for me, I'm eternally grateful. Good things are happening for me.”
Jen, Liverpool-UK (October 2020)
‘I contacted Fi after a long time struggling with past issues that were now dominating my life. It was the best decision I’ve ever ever made. Fi instantly makes you feel at ease, safe, supported. She is incredibly encouraging and the techniques she uses, which at first may feel strange and unfamiliar end up becoming your best strategies. It was like magic! The experience of working with Fi taught me more about myself than I ever thought possible, helped me adapt very deep set mind sets into a more positive and open view of life. She exceeded my expectations on every level and I honestly don’t think there is an issue she wouldn’t be able to help with quickly and effectively. I am recommending Fi to everyone, she will hold a special place in my heart forever. I hope reading this will encourage you to take the chance with Fi, real lasting change is achievable. It is hard and scary and I put it off for years, I’m so glad I decided to work with Fi, she’s changed my life. Good luck to everyone on their journeys, be kind to yourselves.’
Laura, UK (October 2020)
“I contacted Fi after having talking therapy for over a year, I’d reached a point where I wasn’t seeing any improvement and I wanted to start making changes for the better. Fi came highly recommended and I’m so glad I took the opportunity to start working with her. After only a 6 session plan I feel like a new person! I cannot praise her enough. I was in a dark place and didn’t see a way through but through new techniques (which really surprised me but they’re amazing!) I feel like the person I’ve always hoped to be. If you are unsure where to go next or what you need, give Fi a chance you won’t regret it!”
Liz, London-Uk (September 2020)
“I saw Fi for support with negative self image and issues with over eating. Throughout my sessions with her I always felt safe and supported and this enabled me to address some of the issues that had been holding me back for so many years.
With support from Fi and the range of methods she uses I have been able to make powerful and meaningful changes that are already having a positive impact on my life. I now have the strategies and tools to support me on my journey to being healthier and happier. I only wish I had done this sooner!”
James, Liverpool-UK (August 2020)
"Quite a lot has happened since then (our sessions). Internally I am in the best place I have been for years and I believe Fi's therapy was the catalyst for this and assisted me immensely. Everything is just flowing you know...new ‘positive’ habits forming, communication dancing, relationships, work the lot – it feels amazing! I’ve been focusing on me as well; I completed my level 1 reiki.
The attunement appears to have catapulted me further toward raising my light energy and letting go of the dense energy that serves me no longer. I just want to express my deepest gratitude for Fi's warmth, empathy and support during the time we worked together.
Fi is very professional and responsive to the needs of the client in every session. The zoom call works as well as any face to face sessions which is really welcomed.
I felt at ease and was able to discuss past experiences in a safe space with a warm and knowledgeable practitioner.
I recommend Fi without doubt.
I am sure we will work together in the future."
Sandra Hilliery, UK (May 2020)
"When I started therapy with Fiona Gordon a few months ago I must be honest I didn't really have any high expectations.
My reason for thinking this was because I had really bad nightmares which were deeply embedded within for 60 years. It was the same nightmare for at least 3/4 nights and often I would find myself on the floor, often with injuries.
My self confidence was also at a low affecting many aspects of my life.
Fiona is an amazing person, she is a very good listener, she is patient and kind. Her skills to converse and encourage me to tell her things which I had buried deep down also showed the deep trust between us.
After just one week of using the tapping method my nightmares had been eradicated. I was ecstatic and just couldn't believe it. My dread was that the nightmares would return, but they never have. I now have dreams not nightmares.
Through this tapping method and talking with Fiona I use these skills when I have emotional/self confidence problems. Fiona has given me so many invaluable self help skills now.
Finally, I cannot praise Fiona Gordon enough and I would highly recommend her. If you have doubts, just try her therapy- it's truly amazing. Fiona has taught me life skills which I will always use without the aid of antidepressants which I took for depression for many years. So I'm drug free!
Fiona is just a delightful, amazing person, so skillful and professional. I would definitely recommend her."
Virginia- UK (December 2019)
“Fi is an excellent practitioner. She combines empathy with objectivity when working with an individual. I recommend her without reservation.”
Brad, Liverpool- UK (November 2019)
“I 10000% recommend fi’s therapy, she helped me see a certain thought pattern in a different way, it was healing, and gave me a new meditation technique which is powerful.”
Ishrat, Glasgow Uk (April 2019)
“Fi's therapy input has been invaluable in managing some mental emotional and physical symptoms from a chronic illness, I recommend her therapy as a holistic alternative for health and well being.”
Bob, London-UK (January 2018)
"Fi makes stuff happen.
I had been a smoker pretty much since the age of thirteen (when I thought it would make me look like Clint Eastwood), had three or four failed attempts at kicking the habit, one with a nurse I had to report to weekly! I was always trying to kid myself I would/ could cut down, but gradually, over the years my smoking had escalated to me sucking down a half ounce of tobacco a night, consumed over a worryingly short period of three to four hours.
In December 2014, I booked myself on the Alan Carr quit smoking program for the New year, after a friend had pointed out that at this point I was practically chainsmoking.
In the meantime, I heard about Fi.
She explained that there would be a series of sessions, the first two talking about my relationship with the habit in detail and giving me some exercises I could use to help with the cravings. She also made me aware of some of the changes I would go through, both physically and mentally once i'd quit. She set the time and date for the third session, which was to be the end of me smoking.
I was very sceptical. I wanted to quit, but had convinced myself that I actually loved smoking...I loved everything about the whole ritual of rolling the tobacco up in it's special liquorice paper, putting it between my lips and lighting it with my special lighter. I was telling myself it had become a part of my D.N.A!! (Clever little drug).
On New Years day 2015, at 5.p.m, I had my third and final Skype session with Fi. It was quite intense. At the end of the session, she told me to open my eyes again, go about my evening and never smoke again.
That was the last time I had a cigarette or a roll up. I'm not going to pretend I fully understand how Fi did this or what she did, but nearly three years later I have never smoked and have had no desire to.
So, I can only recommend you give this amazing lady a shot, if you're serious about wanting to give up this ridiculous and dangerous thing that will sooner or later kill you."