Fi Gordon

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So what exactly is this EFT thing then?

"I did EFT.  I will remember forever what he did.  He gave me a little bottle of water to hold with my arm out and he asked me "Is that heavy?" and I said not really.  Then he told me to keep holding it and after a few minutes he said " Is that heavy?".  It was heavier than before.  Then he asked me "How heavy would it be if you held it for another 10 mins?" I said pretty heavy by then.  He said "Well, you have been holding onto all these emotions for decades.  Can you imagine how heavy they are and how that might be effecting you?"  I said yeah. I really did. The therapist said "what Emotional Freedom Technique does is allow you to just put it down. So we are not taking it away, simply enabling us to put it down and look at it, to deal with it."

So the therapist facilitates the process allowing you to heal past trauma or hurt so that it stops effecting you in a negative way. EFT works on the energy meridians in the same way that acupuncture does. The oldest evidence of acupuncture being used is a mummy from the ice age, 5000 years ago, found in the mountains between Austria and Italy. This remarkably well-preserved ice man had a system of complicated tattoos along his back, right knee and left ankle. His body revealed evidence of arthritis in various places and whipworm in the intestine. The tattoos directly corresponded to the acupressure points that are used to treat those areas. Acupuncture works on the subtle energy system. In ancient Chinese medicine they call this energy force qi or c'hi, in the Ayurvedic system they call it Prana (life force or life energy). The theory behind the energy medicines is that every ill health or emotional issue is necessarily caused by a blockage in the subtle energy system therefore can be moved through or unblocked by using these methods.  Acupuncture does that with needles and EFT uses tapping to connect the right points whilst using modern psychology to direct the thoughts and feelings towards the issue that needs attention. 

The reality is we all experience traumatic events in our life and most of us distract ourself from or bury the emotions that arise in order to function.  So all of us are carrying unprocessed emotion that we would benefit from moving through, letting go of, or putting down. These unprocessed emotions are stored in every cell of our body and effect everything that we do, how we feel about stuff, how we respond to situations. EFT is a very gentle way of approaching painful issues as it is not necessary to talk in depth about a traumatic issue in order to neutralise the painful feelings.

What made me value these approaches was my own personal experience with them. I used them and had phenomenal results in my physical health and my state of mind as well as in my capability to achieve. I became clearer and more focused. I was excited by the idea of learning more about what these powerful methods could do and I wanted to help others benefit from them. It was clear to me that the next step on this journey would be training to become a hypnotherapist and EFT practitioner. I am very happy and quite honoured to be in a position to help others in this way.